What God reveals in our stillness is necessary.

“Be still, and know that I am God.” - Psalm 46:10

Do you long to feel that type of deep and lasting peace? In our busy lives, how often do we take the time to be quiet and still? 

It’s one of the most famous verses in the Bible. I've seen it cross-stitched on wall hangings, blazoned across beautiful sunset photo calendars, printed on t-shirts, and scribbled across coffee mugs.  

We put it on posters, write it in encouragement cards, and say it during times of turmoil. We long to experience the magnitude of rest and stillness.

Yet if we’re honest, we have trouble living it. We are rarely still; we have anxious souls. The words “be still and know” are hard words to consider as we journey through our “act now, it’s easier to say I’m sorry than ask permission world.” We are people of action. We rush and fix. We plan. We strategize. We execute. We defend. “Be still and do nothing” is a foreign and uncomfortable concept and seems like a total waste of time. 

Instead of interpreting “be still” as a gentle suggestion, the meaning in this Psalm lends itself to a loving rebuke meaning: “cease striving” or “stop” and more specifically in this context “stop fighting,” which is directed toward the enemies of the people of God. “Stop fighting” and let God be God.

At God’s voice, the earth melts, the enemies cease fighting, and the people of God remember who their God is. God commands stillness and silence so that we have the capacity to see Him, know Him, trust Him, and rest in Him.

It is so easy for us to forget who God is and when we forget who God is, we reach for every other possibility for help. Stillness helps us find stability and security in God, when we slow down and “cease striving” we gain a clear understanding and awareness of who God is. To find security in God, we have to stop finding security in everything else.

Stillness is the avenue toward peace, contentment, and renewal.

Two Steps for How to ‘Be Still’:

1. Remove external distractions.

First, it is important to remove distractions. Life can be extremely fast-paced. We may feel we can’t slow down. Our busyness can get in the way of having time alone with God. We need to remove external noise and replace it with internal rhythms like stillness, silence, solitude, and surrender.

Find a specific time and place for solitude. Turn off any distracting noise in the background. Take the time to experience God’s presence.

 2. Silence internal distractions.

Second, besides removing outside distractions, it is important to silence our inner thoughts. That is, eliminate all the thoughts within us that pull our attention away. If something needs to be taken care of later, write it down and then forget about it for now.

We not only seek to be still, but we also want to know Him with our mind, heart, and will.

What God reveals in our stillness is necessary.

Be Still! Not be afraid, be perplexed, be stressed, be anxious, be frustrated, be confused. Still with Him, Still before Him. Still in Him. Still because of Him. Quiet. Surrendered. Hushed. Expectant. Faithful. Willing. Watching. Listening for His voice. 

Not restless, fretting, pacing. Still in your plans. Still in your work. Still in your schedule. Still, as you wait for Him with a quiet heart. Still with anticipation. Still with expectancy. Still with gratitude. Still with worship

Be still and know. Know Him! Know His character. Know His nature. Know His Word. Know His heart. Know His voice. Know His will. Know His love. Know His Kingdom.

Be still in your knowing. Be still in your being. Be still in your God. You will not be shaken. You will not be moved. You will not be forsaken.

In the midst of life-changing events and chaos, remember, God is still in charge. God is still on His throne. He is still very present. He is still working it out. He is still making a way. Because He is God.




Why am I always in such a hurry?